Mowing Lawns
The bag of apples wants to be married with his 7 dog bones to the very day he smiles. If the dino raptor decides to swallow itself. Fruit pectan is part of the celine of my playhouse. The mario dodger HD is a car where the noiseyes love to water my lawn instead of facing the ink. If camera like fructose, I will be a monkey's chew toy.
Hey if you like to talk to tomatoes then we have a show for you veggy tails. I wished upon a small snhinning star and it looks like a poop emoji. I go to school just to eat bad lunches. I would like to kill an almond. Argye. I have a friend named Algae. I favorite chicken slop. Alex Beerman is a cuticle.
Donkey pumpernickel is the veryest best of them all. I will joke you untill you swallow that whole back. Lick the floor, shut the door, skip all the way to singapore. Shotguns shutgons sguthons sguhtons snuhtogs snohtugs snothugs. A yellow belly is a bellied yellow smelly tella tubby. If a stem becomes of itself the pokemen with rain will rain!
Once I wanted to smell the roses but the roses weren't smellable. So they I dumped all my chicken noodle on to my noodle. I ran and screamed, I slept, I dreamed, I dared to soar, this class, no bore. Yellow yellow screamed a fellow, died and sank into mud mellow. Drunk by day and hanged by night, oh so mario. Jhalkle leaped for glory. He slipped into the bellows. He dove down, he swallowed up. No matter what he smelled like butt. Red sky, purple chair, no wonder I don't care. If beans are grown and tossed in salad. I am Dallas with a malis. The paragraph of inseption. A E I O U Wait Wheat White Woet Woot. Plop dont stop. Pots don't slide. You and Eye with Marcus Klyde.